Prism Intro Student's Book
Prism Intro Student's Book with Online Workbook Listening and Speaking
ISBN 9781316620885
저자 Cambridge University Press
발행일 2023-01-01
분량 224 pages
편집 1
판형 252 x 197 mm
개정판정보 July 2017
정가 27,000원↓
판매가 24,300
(10% off)
적립금 1,350원(5%)

Paired skills course focusing on critical thinking, academic skills, and language students need most. Prism is a five-level (A1 to C1), American English paired-skills course (Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking), created for students who need to develop a range of academic skills. This Intro Level (A1) Listening and Speaking Student's Book prepares students for college classes by developing their listening, speaking, critical thinking, and pronunciation skills, including pronunciation for listening. Special sections teach how to be a successful college student, and the accompanying video program sets the stage for each unit's topic. Inside the book is a single-use code for the online workbook. This provides automatically graded extra practice and works on PCs and Macs.



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